When it comes to the destruction and management of your secure information, it is vital that you are working with a document shredding company that works and operates to the most stringent and appropriate standards. Go Shred recognises this and wants to be as open and transparent as possible with our clients. By applying the most rigorous standards of operation and automation of processes, we ensure these are checked in house and by recognised third party experts. Below you will find our certification for the European Shredding Standard, our Quality Management System and other vital aspects of our operation. A trusted confidential waste / secure shredding supplier should be working to all these standards.
Download copies of our certification & licences via the links at the bottom of the page.
Go Shred have gone to strenuous lengths to ensure the quality and standard of our document shredding offering to clients. To ensure this is done right, first time, every time, we have spent a considerable amount of time & effort to achieve the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System through our UKAS accredited auditors, Advanced Certification.
You can rest assured that we have automated all our processes in order to give you the very best service, whilst providing efficiencies that benefit you and us.
The standard set for the secure collection and destruction of Confidential Waste: Paper, Media & Products throughout Europe - Go Shred's certification for this standard ensures that your collections are performed by appropriately vetted staff, in vehicles that are secure and GPS tracked, aggregated at an appropriately secure and monitored building and destroyed to a strict standard - day in, day out. The Audit process for this is performed by an independent third party professional to ensure the process is done correctly and diligently.
We are a full , contributing member of the UK Security Shredding Association, this is the governing body for UK document shredding. Membership requires a full annual audit of our sites, staff and vehicles for compliance to the European Shredding standard BSEN15713. Coupled with our audit for the BS EN15713 by our UKAS certification body, this means we are audited twice annually to check compliance with published best practice for our industry. This provides complete peace of mind for anyone retaining our services that we work to the highest attainable standards
If you carry waste in your vehicles as part of your business, buy sell or dispose of waste or arrange for a third party to carry someone else's waste then the Environment Agency requires you to have a Waste Carriers Licence. It is a compulsory requirement for anyone providing business or home shredding services for confidential waste.
We are registered as an upper tier waste carrier, broker and dealer Registration number CBDU140475
Certification with the ICO is a way of demonstrating that our processing of personal data complies with the GDPR requirements. Certification helps demonstrate data protection in a practical way to businesses, individuals and regulators. Go Shred are registered under the reference number: ZA032492
Payment Card Industry Data Safety Standard compliance is required by credit card companies to make online transactions secure & protect them against identity theft. Any merchant that wants to process, store or transmit credit card data is required to be PCI compliant.
Go Shred
HEAD OFFICE - 162 Clough Lane Huddersfield HD2 2JD DEPOT - Unit 1 St John's Place, Cleckheaton BD19 3RR